Second New Jersey District - Assemblies
0646 - Bishop Mc Faul
0648 - John Tatham
0650 - Msgr. Kivelitz
0652 - Bishop B.J. Eustace
0654 - Bishop John Carroll
0655 - Bishop Griffin
0658 – Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Baldwin
0662 - Rev. Dr. John T. Sheehan
0664 - Msgr. John A. O`Grady
0667 - Rev. John J. Griffin
0670 - Our Lady of Victory
0671 - Msgr. Moroney
0674 - San Salvador
0676 - Msgr. John F. Brady
0677 - Father Carey
0678 - Rev. Alexander Bor
0679 - St. Joseph`s
0680 - St. Vincent Pallotti
0681 - St. Cecilia
1309 - Msgr. John S Griffy
1619 - St. Thomas The Apostle
1626 - Archbishop C.J. Damiano
1748 - Bishop Justin J. Mc Carthy
1749 - St. John Neumann
1775 - Commodore John Barry
1847 - Pope John Paul I
1848 - Immaculate Conception
1849 - Msgr. Arthur B. Strenski
1926 - John D. Mc Mahon
2021 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
2143 - Our Lady of Lourdes
2147 - Bishop Charles P. Greco
2843 - Bishop James Schad
3087 - Bishop George W. Ahr
3093 - Father Michael J. Mc Givney
3527 - Father Charles J Watters
3583 - St Bartholomew
3804 - St John Paul II