Albert E Karwowski, MFD (Dorota)
1019 Garry Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08361
Home: 856-794-3884
Cell: 609-501-0022
August Masters Newsletter
Worthy Sir Knights and Brothers all,
While attending Mass, I watched and looked around the church. I’m noticing that there is a new and large generation of families joining us old, ….. wait ……… more mature parishioners. The Parochial Vicar came out dressed in the green chasuable which is a sign of Ordinary times in the church calendar. I then did an Installation of Officers that evening. A deacon after the Installation said that I gave a speech to do a Membership Drive at his parish and spoke from the Pulpit and he to this day, remembers the speech like it was yesterday. I stated that, “even though it is Ordinary times in the Church calendar, these are not ordinary times. These are the times that need the Knights of Columbus and we need ALL Catholic men to step up and become a Knight of Columbus because we ARE needed!”
I totally forgot about that till he started that conversation. That’s why he became a Member of our Order and a Fourth Degree at that. So where am I going with this instead of my list of activities and rah-rah speeches? Let me explain.
Who among you are not proud to be a Knight of Columbus? How many of you are proud of the accomplishments that you have achieved over the years? How many can say, “I’m a better man because of my brother Knights and the activities that I got involved with?” We ALL can say yes I’m sure. Yes brothers, this is YOUR legacy so why not share it with those outside of our Order and bring in new members. The world is ever changing. If you, the Council/Assembly or the Order in general does not change then we too will wither and die. Is that to be your legacy? We should be reaching out to all Catholic men to join. We should be training men in the Council/Assemblies to learn enough so they can take our place and you Sir Knights can step up into a new position or project of interest. That Sir Knights, should be uppermost in our hearts and minds!
Remember what we pledge at an installation? The good of the Order is above the interests of any individual. Another statement and pledge states that the Order should be put in the uppermost position of our hearts and mind. It’s where it belongs and I have been witness to some of the most profound changes and actions in your Assemblies and making a difference in the Patriotic world and the Community at large. I thank you for your commitment to make it a better place and honoring those men and women who served our country in many capacities such as our Military, the families of those serving, Selective Service, Merchant Marines and I could go on and on!
Many of us have been tempted by Satan when he whispered in our ears, where is your physical God? Where is your Jesus now? I see the answer all around us all my brothers. I see Jesus in each and every one of you. We share the Holy Spirit and a bond in Brotherhood that Satan cannot break!
On the 13th of September and October we have a chance to thank Mary, Queen of the Knights and Mother of our Savior at the Blue Army Shrine for the last two dates in honor of the visions and miracles of Fatima. Make at least one of these Pilgrimages held in Asbury, New Jersey. (Not Asbury Park with a muster of 1100 hours).
I was notified that our Fourth Degree Color Corps was not chosen as one of the very few groups to participate in the September 14th inauguration of the new, New Jersey submarine dedication at Earle Naval Weapons Depot. They have tightened the security and rules because of what is going on in this world and they have great concern about the safety and security implications. I am very sorry that we as well as other Patriotic American organizations were turned away because of security safety issues.
I look forward to joining the ranks of seven other Former Masters just as it was when I stepped luckily into the Position of Master of the Fourth Degree (MFDs were at a remarkable number of eight before we lost FM Don Segar). The knowledge, the spirit and drive that they have is infectious and carries through out our District. They can be counted on to help everyone in every Assembly through our new Master. Embrace the wisdom and positivity that comes from our leadership. I myself see great changes on the horizon. More challenges ahead. There is NOTHING that can stop the Second District of New Jersey Fourth Degree. We are hardened, well trained and most importantly we have heart and drive to accomplish anything that comes our way!
I truly say, THANK YOU for accompanying me from day one till August 31st. Thank you for your prayers and support for my family and myself. Thank you very much my brothers in Christ. I cannot find the words to express for my love and prayers for each of you. The biggest thanks is for what each of you did to grow the Order, the District, your Assembly and the opportunity to serve and participate next to you in all of the challenges and events!
Thank you to the two Supreme Masters who graciously came to our District and gave us rousing speeches that supported our mission. The three Vice Supreme Masters who have served us in every aspect of our District. All of the State Officers who have been a guiding force in helping grow the Color Corps and our Fourth Degree Program. Thanks to all who have joined our Exemplification team and all of the MFDs and FMs from the several Districts and Provinces that bought into a shared program and shared activities within our surrounding areas. It only proves that when we think outside the box, there is so much more we can accomplish and meeting new friends and colleagues made us all a better group of Catholic gentlemen. Thank you to all that served in the many capacities as part of the Second District Staff. You guys served the District well. The biggest thanks goes out to every Sir Knight and your beautiful families for allowing your time and dedication to the Fourth Degree callouts and formations.
Now I ask that as a District, that every member attend the statewide callout for the Mass and March for Life on September 26th at Saint Mary of the Assumption Cathedral. Bring your families. I need every available Sir Knight in full uniform. The First District of New Jersey will be in full attendance. In our reciprocal service between Districts within our Province and surrounding Province, I will be reaching out to them as well to attend this event. We are the host District so let’s make sure we give a great showing. All of the pertaining information is available in the attachment below.
Happy Labor Day to one and all. It’s not just a holiday for BBQs, beaches and a final goodbye to summer fun and back to school activities, but an opportunity to spend some extra special time with family and friends. I wish on behalf of my family members to say thank you for what you and your families have done for the Church, your Community, the Order and the District. You have made me prouder than you will ever imagine!
God bless you, your families, the Holy Catholic Church and America!
Vivat Jesus!
Fraternally thankful,
John Wesley Michael Brandon KHS, MFD
Second District of New Jersey
Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree